Quote of the day:

"You know you are getting old when the candles cost more than the cake."
Bob Hope

Thursday, March 20, 2014

 Welcome to one of my favorite spots.  As you hike up the one mile road, the views of the Heber Valley and Timpanogos are stunning.

Once you arrive at the top, find the Olympic flag poles and search the area near my left foot.
Good luck, remember to be respectful and take a minute to remember those who have served our country and send me a photo of yourself when you find the treasure.

Way to go Cami!  $43.00 just for hiking Memorial Hill in Midway, Utah.

Stayed tuned for clues to more hidden cash.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

There's cash in them there hills!

Where's Warren?
These large concrete arrows were placed in prominent visible areas to help guide airplanes delivering the mail.  Look near my right foot for the small orange container to collect your treasure.  It could be in the weeds or it could be under some rocks remember always be respectful on our public lands.
Good Luck

Halie from St George, Utah was the lucky hiker to find $20 cash at the airplane guidance arrow on the hill overlooking Bloomington.

Great job Halie!